Author Archives: oscar

Colgate Maroon-News: Sam Spitz ’13 Returns to Present Documentary

The Colgate Maroon-News college newspaper reports:

Colgate alumnus Sam Spitz ’13 returned to campus on Tuesday September 24 to present “The Greens,” a documentary he wrote, directed and produced about Cabrini-Green, a low-income housing project in Chicago.

Spitz visited Colgate as part of a larger college speaking tour that promotes a discussion about urban space, racial inequality and the ties one forms to one’s home. The event was sponsored by the Sociology/Anthropology, Geography and Film Studies Departments, the Africana, Latin American, Asian American and Native American (ALANA) Cultural Center and the Dean of the College.

Read the full article at the Maroon-News website.

Screening at SUNY Oswego

SUNY Oswego held a screening of The Greens today with Sam and Teddy both present to answer questions from students. See pictures from the event below. Click here to read a review of the event,

Screening at the University of Illinois

Sam and Teddy screened “The Greens” at the University of Illinois, Champaign today. Here are some photos from the event. Click an image to read its caption.
